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500 Chrome Experiments and counting... | Google Chrome Blog, 2012.09.14
The web is capable of amazing things and is becoming more capable all the time. To show some of the potential of a better web, we
launched ChromeExperiments.com in March 2009 with 19 inspiring examples by the creative coding community of what’s possible when combining the latest web technologies with a little code and imagination. Some of those original experiments, like
Google Gravity and
Ball Pool, are still popular today. But we’re pleased to say that they’ve since been joined by hundreds of other contributions from around that world that have pushed the web even further.
Do you use Google Calendar to schedule catch ups with distant friends and family? Now, if you've
upgraded to Google+, you can schedule a face-to-face video chat right from
Google Calendar using Google+ Hangouts.
+Google Drive
Google Drive is the new home for all your Google Docs and more. Get started. | Google Drive Blog, 2012.09.17
Several months ago, we
launched Google Drive: one place to create, collaborate, share and keep all your stuff. If you’ve used Docs in the past, Google Drive is the new home for all your files and folders including your Google documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
This means all your files that were previously stored in Google Docs will now be available in Google Drive. If you haven’t already started using Google Drive, you’ll see a message to try it out the next time you visit docs.google.com.
+ Insights
Navigating the new multi-screen world: Insights show how consumers use different devices together | Google Mobile Ads Blog, 2012.08.29
How many times have you started reading an email on your phone while commuting, and then continued it on your laptop when you got home? Or perhaps you saw a commercial for a new car and then used your tablet to search for the specs and see it in action? If these things sound familiar, that’s because they’re all part of the new norm in multi-screen behavior.
In “The New Multi-screen World: Understanding Cross-Platform Consumer Behavior,” we discovered that 90% of people move between devices to accomplish a goal, whether that’s on smartphones, PCs, tablets or TV.
+Mobile Ads
Better bids, better ads, more downloads: New app promotion tools for advertisers | Google Mobile Ads Blog, 2012.09.10
With more than one million apps currently in the Google Play and iTunes Stores, we know that those of you advertising apps are looking for ways to drive valuable installs at scale while helping your apps stand out from the crowd. We recently launched several app promotion features designed to help those of you who have created an app promotion campaign in AdWords, or are considering creating an app promotion campaign, maximize your return on investment.
Multi-Channel Funnels: Webinar, Checklist, Tips & Tricks | Google Analytics Blog, 2012.08.29
Understanding the customer journey, from consideration to conversion, is no easy feat. But with tools like Multi-Channel Funnels (MCF) in Google Analytics, we’re working to make it easier to uncover new insights and opportunities to improve marketing performance. Google’s Global Program Manager for Attribution, Neil Hoyne, recently led a webinar that highlighted opportunities to:
- Improve keyword coverage to reach customers at all stages of the conversion path.
- Identify those channels that directly contribute to the growth of your business.
- Learn how metrics like average order value can be influenced by early-stage marketing
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