У понедељак смо одржали први вебинар у серији Google Analytics Hangouts on Air! Зорин, наш Google сертификован тренер за Google Analytics нам је причао о Custom димензијама и метрикама, а по броју прегледа, видимо да вам је тема била итекако занимљива.
Из тог разлога нам је драго позвати вас да и следећу седмицу започнете с нама уз Google Analytics када ћемо се позабавити темом ‘Content Grouping’. Пријавите се овде и придружите нам се у понедељак, 18.04. у 16 сати.
За све који нису могли присуствовати првом Google Analytics Hangouts-у, видео снимак можете погледати на Google Partners HOAs YouTube каналу >>
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ОдговориИзбришиThe deal was brokered following complaints by two staff members about the way they were treated.
ОдговориИзбришиOne employee, engineer Kevin Cernekee, said he was fired in June 2018 because of his political views. Google said it let him go because he downloaded confidential material to a USB drive and broke other internal policies.
Details DLive about the other complaint that dlive prompted the Board to investigate have not been released.
Staff at Google staged a walkout dlive tv tr and other protests in late 2018 following revelations about the way it handled accusations of misconduct, including sexual harassment, by senior staff.
The protests led Google to rewrite its internal policies, end forced arbitration of cases and won a promise that it would be more transparent about investigations.
Many of those involved in the protests said they suffered retaliation dlive.tv following the walkout. Google has denied taking any action against protesting staff.
Google's internal policies and the voicepop way it handles staff relations dlive tv were exposed to scrutiny in 2017 following Dlive its treatment of engineer James Damore.
Mr Damore wrote a memo suggesting genetic differences between men and women explained gender imbalances in the tech world.
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