Преносимо вам прошлонедељне вести са званичних Google блогова. Уз AdWords, причамо и о другим Google производима који могу бити од користи за ваше пословање.
Као и обично, постове преносимо у оригиналном, енглеском језику.
Simpler, more powerful tools to reconnect with your customers—and reach new ones |
Inside AdWords Blog, 2012.07.27
A few years back, we introduced
interest based advertising, including remarketing, as a way to reach the right audience with your message and re-engage with customers who have visited your site. In response to our clients’ feedback, we’ve been working to make these solutions even better: simplifying the process of getting started with remarketing, giving you more flexibility in managing your remarketing lists and adding new ways to connect with your target audience.
A simpler way to re-connect with your website visitors |
Google Analytics Blog, 2012.07.27
Google Analytics has always provided powerful tools to help you better understand your website visitors and improve their experience. Some of you have also started using insights from your website to optimize your remarketing campaigns and re-engage customers who have visited your site. But this has traditionally required you to add a second tag to your site for remarketing, in addition to your existing Google Analytics tag. To simplify the process, we’re rolling out
Remarketing with Google Analytics in beta, to help you make the most of those valuable insights.
+Webmaster Central
Behold Google index secrets, revealed! |
Google Webmaster Central Blog, 2012.07.24
Since Googlebot was born, webmasters around the world have been asking one question: Google, oh, Google, are my pages in the index? Now is the time to answer that question using the new Index Status feature in Webmaster Tools. Whether one or one million, Index Status will show you how many pages from your site have been included in
Google’s index.
+Business Solutions
Introducing the Google Cloud Platform Partner Program: Helping businesses move to the cloud |
Google Enterprise Blog, 2012.07.24
Cloud is core to everything we do here at Google. In the last decade, we’ve invested in building an infrastructure that can serve 4 billion hours of video every month, support 425 million Gmail users and store 100 petabytes of web index, and it’s growing every day. We’ve taken this technology and extended it via
Google Cloud Platform so that you can benefit from the same infrastructure that powers Google's applications.
Helping developers build more applications on Google BigQuery |
Google Developers Blog, 2012.07.24
In May we
launched Google BigQuery, a fully managed cloud-based service that enables businesses to analyze enormous amounts of data in the cloud. While we're continually amazed by the range of
business problems being solved, we recognize that writing one-off scripts to ingest data, or creating custom front-end integration, requires effort and takes away time from the fun stuff: getting results.
Making Google Analytics Content Experiments Even Better |
Google Analytics Blog, 2012.07.23
A few weeks ago, we
announced Google Analytics Content Experiments. Since our announcement, we have been busy making Content Experiments available to Google Analytics users and improving it based on your feedback. We'd like to tell you about a few changes that we have recently introduced.
Understanding And Using Page Value |
Google Analytics Blog, 2012.07.24
When Google launched Google Analytics many moons ago (2005 to be exact) there was a metric named $Index. It wasn’t your standard analytics metric, like pageviews or visits. It was a calculated metric to help businesses understand value of content. Unfortunately $Index was removed from Google Analytics version 5 due to some technical limitations. But now it’s back as a new metric named Page Value!
Tracking Adjusted Bounce Rate In Google Analytics |
Google Analytics Blog, 2012.07.25
Have you ever wondered how many visitors really pay attention to your website before exiting the page? Have you wondered how many of those “bounced” visitors will remember where they’ve been in future? How many of them are totally useless, how many are not? There is a way to track this!
+Explore the World
Imagery Update: Explore your favorite places in high-resolution |
Google LatLong, 2012.07.27
In our continuing effort to build the most comprehensive and accurate view of the world, the
Google Earth and
Maps Imagery team just published another extensive catalog of new imagery. This week we have exciting new updates to both our high resolution aerial and satellite imagery and our 45° imagery.
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