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Moving Google Analytics Forward - Retiring The Old Version | Google Analytics Blog, 2012.07.17
After a year of supporting both the old and new versions of Analytics, we are now fully transitioning and leaving the old version behind. This means that as of tomorrow we’ll be removing the link to the previous version which sits at the bottom of Google Analytics pages and all your analysis will take place in the new version.
Chinese game developer Chukong’s Fishing Joy app achieves number 1 rank in iTunes in 33 countries with help from AdMob | Google Mobile Ads Blog, 2012.07.18
Smartphone game Fishing Joy has become a wild success for Chinese mobile game developer Chukong Co., Inc, driving over 80 million downloads to date and earning revenues of over 5 million yuan in just the first 3 months of release. In order to make the app successful, Chukong used click-to-download AdMob ads to promote game downloads while generating revenue from serving AdMob in-app ads on Fishing Joy.
Serving mobile customers | Google Small Business, 2012.07.16
Consumers are always on-the-go, which means they frequently search for products and services from their mobile phones. After searching on a smartphone, more than half of users visit a store in person and many of those people make a purchase, either in-store, online, or by phone.
We all scream for ice cream with Google Apps for Business | Google Enterprise Blog, 2012.07.16
One of my fondest memories growing up is riding my bike to get ice cream with my family on a hot summer day. For me, it’s exciting to see the local ice cream industry evolve and grow, without losing its charm. Today, ice cream shop owners from around the country are using technology–like Google Apps for Business–to help them run their businesses and reach their customers.
Getting Your App Ready for Jelly Bean and Nexus 7 | Android Developers Blog, 2012.07.18
We are pleased to announce that the full SDK for Android 4.1 is now available to developers and can be downloaded through your SDK Manager. You can now develop and publish applications against API level 16 using new Jelly Bean APIs. We are also releasing SDK Tools revision 20.0.1 and NDK revision 8b containing bug fixes only.
Develop in the cloud with eXo’s Cloud IDE | Google App Engine Blog, 2012.07.17
Today’s post comes from Mark Downey of eXo, creator of Cloud IDE. Cloud IDE is an online IDE for Java, Python, PHP, Ruby or Javascript, and for nearly two years it has been used by developers to build applications for a number of PaaS environments. They recently added support for deploying code to Google App Engine.
Zoho Office + Google Drive | Google Apps Developer Blog, 2012.07.18
Zoho is a suite of online applications targeted at small and medium sized businesses. We offer over 25 services ranging from the basic productivity suite all the way up to business applications like CRM, project management, invoicing, custom app building platform and much more. We’ve just rolled out Zoho Office integration with Google Drive.
Постовао: Didzis Vilcans, Google AdWords Letonija